Monthly Archives: October 2017


Managing personal uncertainty with the SCAT method

Personal uncertainty and entrepreneurship Uncertainty is inevitable for the entrepreneur and founder. In the words of author Stephen Covey, “if there’s one thing certain in business, it’s uncertainty.” There are many forms of uncertainty. But perhaps the most dangerous, the one that plagues the founder everyday, is that of personal uncertainty. In contrast to informational [...]

2021-08-04T16:58:51+00:00 October 23rd, 2017|anxiety|0 Comments

Eating your way to focus and concentration

Maintaining focus and concentration throughout your day is imperative to your productivity. There are many ways to help maintain your concentration (e.g. through becoming more mindful, creating your own focus formula, start including short naps throughout your day, etc.) but we often forget that food is a major contributor to how we feel throughout the [...]

2021-08-04T16:58:52+00:00 October 4th, 2017|concentration|0 Comments