Monthly Archives: January 2022


Four ways to push past sales call anxiety

The math is simple: Successful sales people consistently initiate contact to start new fruitful alliances and close deals. However, for many, making contact is so uncomfortable that they avoid it, delay it or fake it with ineffective strategies such as conducting e-mail blasts or calling on only limited, emotionally safe segments of the market. Sales [...]

2022-01-24T14:26:44+00:00 January 24th, 2022|Sales|0 Comments

Mental health in the workplace: dealing with perfectionist tendencies

We admire perfectionists. Managers and employees alike view perfectionism as a positive trait that enables them to strive toward a perfect performance. However, there is a dark side to perfectionism: instead of leading to success, maladaptive perfectionism reduces productivity and mental well-being in the workplace. Of course, moderate levels of perfectionism can be ok. Such [...]

2022-01-03T13:20:37+00:00 January 3rd, 2022|HR|0 Comments