Yearly Archives: 2021


Stickier employee wellbeing programs through urgency and ownership

Creating a good employee wellbeing program is a complex task in itself, but it is only half the battle. Most programs that aim to change behavior fail because employees don’t actively engage with them. And what good is a wellbeing program if your employees don’t participate?  Today we will take a look at a few [...]

2021-08-04T16:39:28+00:00 May 11th, 2021|HR|0 Comments

Mental wellbeing: the key to sales productivity

Mental wellbeing is critical for sales productivity. Happy employees are more engaged, creative, and productive. Every team member’s mental health affects not only themselves, but their entire team. Research also shows that mental wellbeing is a key factor to promote overall employee happiness, productivity, and increases retention and group buy-in! This means that when you [...]

2021-08-04T16:39:40+00:00 April 20th, 2021|Sales|0 Comments

Kickstart your personal growth and overcome psychosomatic pain with SDT

Have you wanted to work on personal growth but given up because of frustrating setbacks or physical pain? Unfortunately this can start a vicious cycle. When you lose motivation, you’re less likely to achieve your personal growth goals, which leads to increased anxiety, depression, and can even lead to increased psychosomatic pain (i.e., back-aches, headaches, [...]

2021-08-04T16:40:07+00:00 January 27th, 2021|psychosomatic pain|0 Comments

Overcome adversity through the power of acceptance

This post is about how we can use the power of acceptance to manage psychosomatic pain.  By coming to terms with your life stressors and discomfort, you’ll be better able to overcome adversity and manage your pain. Psychosomatic pain is real physical pain that stems from, or is exacerbated by emotional or psychological stresses. It [...]

2021-08-04T16:40:12+00:00 January 4th, 2021|psychosomatic pain|0 Comments