Yearly Archives: 2020


Psychosomatic pain – what your body is telling you

Have you ever experienced stomach aches before going to an important job interview, back pain when working on that impending deadline, or tension headaches when feeling overwhelmed? Chances are you have been experiencing physical pain caused in part by a stressful situation. This post is the first in a series that will help you reduce [...]

2021-08-04T16:40:19+00:00 December 14th, 2020|psychosomatic pain|0 Comments

The GRIN method – how to adapt leadership for remote work

Global crisis, the demand of flexibility, and advancing technology have made it more common for individuals to work together while being physically apart. This creates a problem: how do we remain connected to a team or our organization while simultaneously being physically separated from them? What is the best leadership style for remote work? To [...]

2021-08-04T16:40:27+00:00 November 23rd, 2020|leadership|0 Comments

The 3 key leadership traits for crisis management

CRISIS! What is your next move when a project runs late? When you can’t make a very important meeting? When another company tries to swoop in on the bid you’ve worked on for two months? When things go wrong or problems spring up, the leader is the one everyone looks to for help, guidance, and [...]

2021-08-04T16:40:33+00:00 November 2nd, 2020|leadership|0 Comments

4 ways to reduce absenteeism by tackling employee disengagement

According to WHO, companies lose around $2,450 USD per employee per year due to absenteeism. Reducing absenteeism in the workplace is critical for every organization, not only in terms of success, but also as a responsibility you have to ensure your employees’ well-being. The goal of this post is to look at the psychology behind [...]

2021-08-04T16:40:46+00:00 October 12th, 2020|retention|0 Comments

From dictator to leader: 4 key skills for situational leadership

Leaders are put in positions of power and responsibility. Every leader, regardless of their domain, has the opportunity to exert their influence over others. This power is not necessarily a bad thing, but it means effective leaders must walk a thin tight rope where any sudden changes or bad decisions can knock them--and others--off of [...]

2021-08-04T16:40:52+00:00 September 21st, 2020|leadership|0 Comments

3 steps to improve your leadership skills and circle of influence

One of your goals as a leader should be to inspire and motivate other people, a.k.a. positively influence them! Motivational leadership skills create cohesion, inspire creativity, and generate diligence.  When you motivate and inspire other people you build a sphere of influence. This term can be found in political science and international relations theory, where [...]

2021-08-04T16:41:12+00:00 August 10th, 2020|leadership|0 Comments

Three quotes for easily defining leadership

Defining leadership is incredibly important, but also incredibly difficult. Frequently people operate under different definitions of leadership. Googling and searching for definitions can only confuse you more. You may even resort to looking up famous people leadership quotes to try to piece a definition together yourself. We’re going to provide you with some easy quotes [...]

2021-08-04T16:41:15+00:00 July 20th, 2020|leadership|0 Comments

4 ways to optimize your task management skills

In our current fast-paced digital world, there are countless things vying for our attention at the same time, requiring us to be effective at task management. Before you continue reading, take a second to look around. Are you doing anything other than reading this post? Do you have the TV on? Are you listening to [...]

2021-08-04T16:41:18+00:00 June 29th, 2020|cognitive-flexibility|0 Comments

Personality strength – the hidden ingredient to better personality assessments

Personality consistently predicts job-performance, but the way it is measured may not be sufficient enough to answer the question it seeks out to answer, as it only looks at average behavioral tendencies. In this post we will show you how to improve your personality assessment by incorporating elements of personality strength. Using a dynamic approach [...]

2021-08-04T16:41:26+00:00 June 2nd, 2020|retention|0 Comments