Yearly Archives: 2019


How to reduce implicit bias to improve your judgements and decisions

Going through day-to-day life creates hidden biases in each of us. Though we aren’t aware of these thoughts, they can actually distort how we see the world around us. This distorted perception or more formally termed “implicit bias” can impair our personal and workplace functioning. Even though people usually don’t recognize these biases, they still [...]

2021-08-04T16:46:31+00:00 November 14th, 2019|diversity-and-inclusion|0 Comments

Effective leadership implementation in a 4-step process

The success of any organization depends on members accomplishing goals; however, this is much easier said than done. Leaders must ensure that deadlines are met, followers are motivated, and organizational resources are properly used. That's done through effective leadership. And doing so is an ongoing process. This is where task-oriented behaviors come in. Task-oriented behaviors [...]

2021-08-04T16:46:43+00:00 August 27th, 2019|leadership|0 Comments

Sleep aid tips for when your routine is disrupted

Often work and jobs take us away from our home and our usual routines and rituals--perhaps you don’t get your normal homemade meal with the family, your dose of Netflix on the couch, or your go-to pre-bedtime drink. This deviation from what your body expects makes it hard to get a good night’s sleep. We’re [...]

2021-08-04T16:46:49+00:00 August 12th, 2019|sleep|0 Comments

How to beat that ‘always tired’ feeling during the day

One question that seems to regularly plague people is “why am I always tired?”. One factor is that we are constantly putting our bodies in ‘work-mode’ even when we’re not at work! Whether you work late from home, have early-morning childcare duties, or sometimes have to travel across time zones, chances are your work schedule [...]

2021-08-04T16:47:24+00:00 August 8th, 2019|sleep|0 Comments

Reduce stress by using emotional labor to your advantage

Do you ever feel stressed out at work because you have to “fake” how you really feel? Perhaps you pretend to like your boss even when he/she’s a jerk, or you fake your enthusiasm for a project you find totally boring. Well, today we will take a look at how faking emotions influences our performance [...]

2021-08-04T16:47:36+00:00 July 25th, 2019|EQ|0 Comments

Learn to live a better life by increasing your positivity

As human beings, we all want to live a rich and fulfilling life and to enjoy its many pleasures. According to the broaden-and-build theory, the cultivation of positivity helps to build long lasting resources that will enhance life-satisfaction. In turn this increases the likelihood of experiencing future positive emotions and increases resilience to negative emotions. [...]

2021-08-04T16:47:41+00:00 June 25th, 2019|EQ|0 Comments

Being a morning person is awful if it means sleep deprivation

When should I wake up, to prevent sleep deprivation?: Knowing your chronotype--not necessarily waking up early--is a key to success. In sleep-wake studies, researchers generally focus on chronotype, or when an individual usually sleeps and performs at their best. Chronotypes are on a spectrum, from ‘larks’ to ‘owls’. Larks are individuals that usually wake-up and [...]

2021-08-04T16:47:46+00:00 June 19th, 2019|sleep|0 Comments

How to increase control over negative emotions through emotion regulation

Following our last post on gaining control over our emotions through emotional awareness, this post will focus on how to increase control over our negative emotions through emotion regulation. What is emotion regulation? emotion regulation refers to the processes by which we influence: which emotions we have when we have them how we experience them [...]

2021-08-04T16:47:53+00:00 June 4th, 2019|EQ|0 Comments