Yearly Archives: 2018


Training the Wise Mind for greater self-confidence

Being confident in one’s sense of self is a noble goal. Even for the most introspective of people, achieving self-confidence is a lifelong pursuit. But you don’t need to be a Buddhist monk or philosophizing hermit to reach this desirable state of inner being. With a little bit of work, you can easily get there. [...]

2021-08-04T16:56:12+00:00 June 1st, 2018|self-doubt|0 Comments

6 scientific methods for building resilience

Failure is an inevitable part of life. And something you regularly face as an entrepreneur. It happens all the time: A string of “No’s” from investors, customer drop-offs, missed project milestones … the list goes on. But no matter the size of the failure, the outcome is always the same - a drop in productivity, [...]

2021-08-04T16:56:15+00:00 May 8th, 2018|resilience|0 Comments

A framework for battling perfectionism and overcoming self-doubt

You might have a personal goal of battling perfectionism. But you feel stuck. At some level, you also think your perfectionistic tendencies are a good thing. You convince yourself that it’s a virtuous character trait, a set personal strivings that make you a better person: working harder, achieving more, learning faster … succeeding in everything [...]

2021-08-04T16:56:23+00:00 April 19th, 2018|self-doubt|0 Comments

3 methods to overcome learned helplessness and boost optimism

Starting and maintaining a new business comes with many setbacks. Failure is inevitable. How we deal with this failure can condition us for how we approach our future goals. It’s a feedback cycle that can sometimes go awry if not examined carefully. In particular, experiencing failure can cause the psychological response called learned helplessness. Because [...]

2021-08-04T13:26:25+00:00 March 28th, 2018|resilience|0 Comments

4 novel tactics that lead to memory enhancement

Learning and memory are greatly connected and therefore it makes sense that we cover some memory enhancement tricks to help you become a more effective learner. Learning can be thought of as the process that will modify behaviour and memory is our ability to remember our past experiences. For example, when you learn a new [...]

2021-08-04T16:56:38+00:00 February 19th, 2018|learning|0 Comments