Monthly Archives: November 2018


Why problem-focused coping works wonders for perfectionists

Recent research published in the Journal of Psychology of Sports and Exercise found that problem-focused coping was the most effective coping mechanism among perfectionists. Being able to cope with stress is one of the key ingredients for success. Some might think this is bad news if you have a perfectionist personality. Perfectionists tend to push [...]

2021-08-04T16:49:39+00:00 November 28th, 2018|latest-research|0 Comments

What is emotional intelligence and 4 ways to improve it

Why do some people succeed and others don’t? Being bright, well-educated, and motivated isn’t enough to get you all the way there. So if success isn’t about being smart, what explains it? It’s not IQ, but EQ. And to improve it, you first have to understand what emotional intelligence is. EQ refers to emotional intelligence [...]

2021-08-04T13:23:05+00:00 November 15th, 2018|EQ|0 Comments

Using intrinsic motivation to pursue long-term goals

A recent study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology examined people’s willingness to invest in their goals. The researchers found that people are happy to spend time and money on things when they are seen as directly impacting their end-goals, but less so when it comes to the indirect means of achieving [...]

2021-08-04T16:50:05+00:00 November 14th, 2018|latest-research|0 Comments