Monthly Archives: September 2018


Regulating surprise to promote intellectual curiosity

A recent study conducted at the Institute of Cognitive Sciences in France examined the neural and behavioral underpinnings of curiosity. The study looked at the interplay between intellectual curiosity, prior knowledge of a topic, and level of surprise. The researchers found an inverse relationship between surprise and general epistemic curiosity.  That is, being surprised, it [...]

2021-08-04T16:50:39+00:00 September 18th, 2018|latest-research|0 Comments

Improve focus with the body’s nervous system

Dr. Ryan J. Giuliano and colleagues at the University of Oregon recently published a research report in the journal Psychophysiology. The findings reveal that the body’s two branches of the peripheral nervous system independently predict task performance and help to improve focus. The findings contribute to a growing understanding of optimal brain functioning. For some [...]

2021-08-04T16:51:01+00:00 September 4th, 2018|latest-research|0 Comments