PsychologyCompass' module on
improving resilience

Lessons are written by PhDs from top tier schools in Canada, US, UK, and Western Europe.

Lessons cite hundreds of medical journals, research papers, and clinical studies.

Lessons are tailored to gain maximum benefits. No time wasted and structured to help overcome anxiety.
Develop the mental resilience to endure anything.

Adapting to difficult change isn’t easy, not everyone is able to be optimistic when the chips are stacked against them.
When hardship at a high level is experienced, it typically bleeds into other parts of your life, like relationships with others and in the workplace.
Job stress costs the U.S nearly $300 billion a year through employee turnover, decreased productivity, absent employees, as well as medical, legal and insurance fees. It’s estimated that over 46% of employees have experienced or are currently in a state of job burnout.
Symptoms of burnout can be quite evident when there is so much going wrong in your life that you’re past the point of upset and are just flat out apathetic to your situation, almost as if you’ve given up.

Change your outlook with PsychologyCompass
this is the tool you need to become more resilient by utilizing the true power of your brain.
Does this sound like you?
Do you constantly feel exhausted and emotionally drained or even have trouble sleeping because you can’t keep your stress in check?
Are you not the best at dealing with stress and find your ability to cope to be ineffective?
Do you feel indifferent about your work and find that there is an inherent lack of motivation to get anything done because you feel like it’s too late to fix your situation?
Are you not confident in your abilities to tackle the challenges you’re facing and are feeling a bit helpless?
It’s as if you feel there’s no turning back and the only option is to spiral down further because you can’t find it in you to face the problems you have head on.

You can weather any storm … with the right help

You may feel hopeless and feel like you don’t have it in you to overcome your struggles. Luckily this isn’t the case, with PsychologyCompass.
With the right information, action and consistency anyone is capable of becoming resilient.
Building mental resilience is very similar to building physical resilience. The only exception is you’re developing your mental muscles.
What would you do with the info to become resilient?
PsychologyCompass modules bring together a perfect combination of experts at the highest education level, with countless research cited to support their points, along with a simple and effective user experience for you to digest the information easily.
Our modules are filled with simple micro-habits, where you can find suggestions for instant relief paired with in-depth research around the topic.
You can have everything you need to get quick relief, as well as set yourself up for long term progress!

Why we are the best option?
PsychologyCompass is the most science-based solution compared to the rest
You may have been proactive and tried to get ahead of this issue in the past, but that doesn’t mean you were successful.
What have you tried to be more resilient?
There’s a lot of noise out there: from life and executive coaches, to proclaimed gurus selling their personal development books, alongside all the other options out there, it’s hard to tell what would really make you more resilient.
If you’re looking for a solution that has decades of research and is backed by science, then PsychologyCompass is for you.
Here’s a look at each option:
1. Getting a life or executive coach
Hourly rates can get pretty pricey, typically is not covered by insurance plans
Being a “match” with the personality
Many coaches have a certain “style” or way of framing their perspective, not everyone responds well to the same kind of personalities when receiving coaching.
2. Reading self-help books
While reading self help books is great for inspiration and new ideas, more often than perceived, people feel skeptical and don’t “buy in” to the writer’s point.
Whether it be because the reader doesn’t trust the author, or feels like the advice doesn’t apply to them because their situation is so different, self help books aren’t always the answer.
3. Trying to look inwardly and improve your own day to day life
May not know where to start
When you don’t understand the neuroscience of your brain, you’re a lot more likely to try and tackle a symptom vs the core issue of becoming more resilient.
Trying to correct mental behaviors is difficult, which is why translating the neuroscience behind learned helplessness guides you to address the right issues. This gives you the ability to make more meaningful progress.
Don’t let yourself make the mistake of focusing on the wrong aspects of the problem and leave yourself wondering why you can’t be more resilient.

Still Skeptical?
Let's answer those questions and clear up any doubt.
Our lessons aren’t just articles.
Don’t expect some lazy list article from a self improvement blog with 10 incomplete tips to increase resilience with no sources.
The lessons are crafted to track, measure and systemically improve cognitive functions.
By using scientific research and medical studies to produce actionable advice, we offer a step-by-step path to quickly reach your peak mental performance.
The power of utilizing PhD Experts to write our lessons
Psychologists design our lessons to improve mental habits and behaviours, which rewires your brain by leveraging Neural Plasticity.
Neural Plasticity – The ability to change our brain structures for our own benefits.
Our brain is a lot more malleable than we think. Our brains are made of neurons, which fire off electrical signals that travel around the brain and to the body. “Neural pathways” are how the signals travel. Bad habits are bad strong neural pathways.
When we introduce positive micro-habits, our brains build new neural pathways, which strengthens cognitive functions.
PsychologyCompass lessons are more than just articles – the lessons help strengthen cognitive functions and mental behaviour through research backed science.
To give you an idea, there will be “quick fixes” which are easy to implement and are meant to help cope in the moment.
There are also micro-habits that have a more lasting compound effect when done consistently over a few weeks.
Still skeptical?
There is a “how it works” section where the science is stated and cited with an array of research to demystify why the quick fixes and micro-habits are proven to work.
We know, we are the same! We made the lessons with this idea in mind.
A funny but true quote states, “What’s the best diet in the world? It’s the one you stick with.”
We all want the path of least resistance, so we’ve structured our lessons to be easily digestible and easy to follow along.
- Our lessons can be implemented within minutes — Lessons are highly prescriptive, almost like taking a pill!
- The ideas are novel, which helps you easily remember and implement — You will lean into the novel ideas in our lessons because they are easy to remember, which will help you utilize the strategies more often, thus building those new neural pathways we were talking about earlier!
- It’s backed by science — The research used in our lessons come from experiments conducted in highly controlled environments as well as data collected in the real world.
When considering the value of our lessons, keep in mind that we commissioned the brightest minds in Psychology to develop them.
All of our lesson developers have PhDs in psychology, neuroscience, or behavioral economics and are experts in their fields.
Every lesson has points that cite multiple research papers that support the recommendations.
All of our PhDs who develop the lessons are from highly reputable universities in the US, Canada, Western Europe and the UK; trust their ability to disseminate the information.
While there are many articles out there about coping with anxiety, no other source compiles as many medical and clinical studies and distills it into digestible, easy-to-apply lessons like PsychologyCompass.
Can you access these research papers without PsychologyCompass?
Yes, the average person can access these research papers for roughly $40 each depending on the paper.
But you have to be able to understand these research papers, parse through hundreds of pages of information, and extract the value and turn it into a practical take away for you to overcome your anxiety.
Every module has hundreds of research papers that our experts have combed through. Your time is valuable, don’t waste it on trying to interpret all the information in the research when we’ve made it as easy to extract insights as possible.
We’ve intentionally built this for the busy person! Our research shows that it takes a maximum of 5-8 minutes to consume each lesson.
No quizzes or tests – lessons are more implementation focused!
In our own studies, within 30 days of onboarding 80%+ of the participants saw a significant boost (15% or more) in their cognitive functioning.
Those that were very active on the platform saw a 110% increase in the same time frame.

Ever wonder if you can improve resilience in a scientific, measurable way?
Becoming resilient doesn’t mean all of your problems will go away.
It does mean on the other hand, that your ability to cope with stress, attitude and optimism in the face of challenges will help you greatly.
Imagine not feeling so mentally tolled.
You don’t have to struggle with the stress of helplessness during mentally trying times anymore.
Imagine if you were resilient, disciplined and could handle what life was throwing at you and you took it in stride with a positive attitude.
There isn’t any reason why this can’t be accomplished now. PsychologyCompass is here now to help you rewire your brain and defeat anxiety once and for all.
The sooner you start our lesson on becoming more resilient the quicker you’re going to feel better.
Join us today!